
To create a world - Phase 1: Ideation

Lately, I've been thinking a lot about my next Pathfinder campaign. I know, I KNOW, I have four and that's way enough. BUT! At first, I was waiting for the Book of the Dead to raise my Geb campaign from the dead (see what I did there?) At the moment, three of my four campaigns are pre-written adventures. All four of them happen somewhere in Golarion. And don't get me wrong: Golarion is amazing ! It is rich and deep and vibrant and I love it! But I miss creating my own worlds. I miss having a backdrop that grows with my players, the product of our adventures. So I decided that, instead of running a game in the Impossible Lands, I'd be creating my own world, full of mystery, tailored to my table, my needs, my players' ambitions ... yeah, it's gonna be super cool! Another project on that never-ending pile. I'm well-aware that this new world might get discarded or I might just forget about it as it crumbles under layer upon layer of dust and projects. That'...

Revisiting Suikoden III - The "10 hours in" (p)review

Character arcs - Part 2: Individualized stories for your players

Character arcs - Part 1: Character backgrounds

The GM-nastics of dynamic encounters!

Re-impressions: We meet again, FFXV

As seen on TV! (Using movies and tropes in worldbuilding)